Monday, 31 August 2015

Man With Many Facets - Denis Vincent

The Quebec business world has always been about big developments and re-known for some of the most prolific names. One in particular is that of Denis Vincent - a man who started off with a small and honest background, through sheer will and strength, he has managed to reach a position, where he leads many industries. While he is a trained airplane and helicopter pilot for almost two decades, his main achievements have been in the fields he has worked with. Starting from mining labor leasing to real estate and beyond, he is a name that is revered time and again.

He is a trained pilot and has flown coast to coast within Canada, and that remains one of his main passions. His entry in the real estate world in the year 2000 was another milestone in his career, and he has initiated huge investments in the industry, and a major role player for huge mergers and acquisitions. With his focus on quality projects and a unique vision, he continues to inspire others, including many of his esteemed peers and colleagues.

Friday, 28 August 2015

The Passionate Helicopter Pilot

If you search for some of the prolific names in the areas of Calgary and Quebec, a name that will repeatedly surface is that of Denis Vincent. He is one of the most known names in Canada and is extremely appreciated for his hard work. Starting off with a very modest but genuine background, Denis has carved a name for himself in all the industries he has been dealing with. After working in P.R.C.S. construction insulation early on, he went on to be the president of Heli Vincent inc. – a company that deals exclusively in sales and leasing of helicopters and airplanes.

Apart from the passion for flying and writing, Denis Vincent Quebec is also known for being an entrepreneur with many faces. He has been extensively working in varied industries, including labor leasing and mining, and from 2000, he has been a major and prominent player in the real estate world. In fact, he has been behind many mergers and acquisitions in the real estate world, and his passion for generating new milestones continues. Denis is also aggressively involved in Strong Arm Labour & Contracting company, where he works as the main financial officer simultaneously actively supporting his own company-  Heli Vincent inc.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Denis Vincent - Calgary, Alberta

Heli Vincent inc. était le fruit de Denis, lui qui a toujours eu une passion pour le secteur de l'aviation. Il a créé la société en 1997, et il travaille encore largement dans la location d’hélicoptères et d’avions. La société est parmi les plus vénérés, pas seulement au Québec, mais aussi au Canada. Sa passion pour l'aviation peut être attribuée à son propre intérêt pour le pilotage. Peu de gens savent le fait qu'il est un pilote hélicoptère et d'avion depuis 1996 et à partir de 2014, il a accumulé plus de 9300 TT. Pendant son temps libre, Denis n’aime pas être un fêtard, mais plutôt, il prend son hélicoptère d’un côté à l’autre du pays. Il a également fait partie de deux vols transatlantiques et un vol à moteur mono Québec à Madagascar.

En 2000, être connu comme Denis Vincent Helico Denis a choisi de capitaliser sur sa réputation et d’entrer dans l'immobilier, Denis a pris l'initiative intelligente. Au cours des 14 dernières années, il a été une force phénoménale derrière nombreux projets immobiliers, poussant souvent les fusions et acquisitions. Denis aime le monde de l'immobilier, car il croit fermement que l'industrie a le potentiel de mettre le Canada sur la carte du monde. Il a travaillé avec quelques-unes des plus grandes entreprises dans l'immobilier, en les aidant avec l’expansion et leur  acquisition.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Denis Vincent - Helicopter & Airplane pilot

If you research for Denis Vincent helicopter, you will find a man who has been known in Canada, mainly in Quebec and Calgary, in a wide range of businesses. Denis is easily the most reputed name in the aviation industry but not many know that he is the biggest influence for some of the most authentic real estate deals. In fact, he is a success story many would love to emulate. Starting off with a modest job, Denis soon knew that he wanted to be on his own. He worked with some of the biggest clients and companies in the mining industry, real estate industry, etc. and is known for his sustained business relationships.

His efforts in the world of real estate in Quebec and other parts of Canada are the reason behind some of the biggest mergers and acquisitions, and he continues to surpass expectations. Despite a heavy schedule that always keeps him on his toes, he finds time to fly across Canada and has been writing a blog that is intended to share his life experiences. Denis exercises the level of professionalism we would like to see translated to every industry.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Trouver l'inspiration dans l'histoire du Denis Vincent

Au Canada, les gens connaissent Denis Vincent pour être l'une des hommes d’affaires les plus prospères de notre temps. Il est extrêmement fidèle à son travail, et malgré les ressources limitées au moment de son coup d'envoi, il a su se démarquer par ses efforts continus. Denis est reconnu pour Heli Vincent inc - une société qu'il a créée en 1997 spécialisée dans les la vente et la location d’hélicoptères et d’avions. Malgré une concurrence féroce, l'entreprise continue de croître et d'atteindre de nouveaux jalons.

Peu de gens savent qu'il est aussi dans la location de main d’oeuvre en tant que directeur financier de Strong Arm Labour & Contracting. En dehors de cela, il est aussi très impliqué dans l'immobilier depuis 2000, et son nom est associé à certaines des plus grandes fusions et acquisitions. Denis et son succès sont des points de référence pour beaucoup. Après tout, nous voulons tous réussir, mais quand on voit le travail accompli par lui et beaucoup d'autres, il nous aides à repousser les limites. Denis continue d'inspirer plus de gens, et il est toujours aussi passionné par les plus petite que par les gros projets.

Monday, 24 August 2015

The Successful Canadian Businessman Denis Vincent

There are only a few success stories around the world, which are as inspiring as that of Denis Vincent. Many people know Denis Vincent Quebec as an entrepreneur, while in his heart and soul, he is the man who is constantly pushing the envelope. In this very special and detailed post, we will take a look at some great aspects of Denis and the things that make him a real star. At the end of the day, we are just looking for inspiration, and his story would motivate anyone. 
Denis Vincent always had the passion for flying and the aviation sector, and it took him very little time to realize he wanted  to own his own company. He started off early as an executive in sales, and it look him just 10 years, to set up Heli Vincent Inc, which is one of the major companies based out of Quebec specialized in airplane and helicopter leasing. In fact, he has worked extensively for ensuring that the company remains on the top of the charts through dedication and constant growth.

Friday, 21 August 2015

Denis Vincent- The Man With Many Dreams And stories

If you haven’t heard about Denis Vincent, brace yourself to discover a man who has been extraordinary in the things he does. Denis is one of the few prolific names in Canada, who is not only famed for his contribution to more than a few industries. He started off early in life in the field of sales, but never let his modest beginnings interfere with his big aspirations. It took him just 10 years to come up with Heli Vincent inc, a company specialized in helicopter and airplane dry leasing and sales. The company has been running for close to two decades with great success. 


Denis also found passion for real estate soon after, and eventually got involved with a number of new deals, starting from mergers to acquisitions and beyond. In fact, he has been among the few names to have scored huge in more than a few industries. In his free time, Denis is often flying coast to coast in Canada or is busy writing and sharing stories of his life experiences on his blog. He’s a man you got to get to know to stay inspired.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Denis Vincent - Calgary, Alberta

Not many people know, but Denis is also an ardent flyer. He loves the aviation industry more than anything else and has been a Helicopter & airplane pilot since 1996. As of 2014, he had accumulated over 9300 TT and flown coast to coast in Canada. In his free time, Denis likes to share his stories through his blog and is very close to limited friends, with whom he takes on some of his incredible journeys.

Denis Vincent is also the Chief Financial Officer for Strong Arm Labour & Contracting, where his insight is considered a vision by many. With his eyes on mining, real estate and labor contracting industry, it is not hard to find his name in some big projects. In truth, Denis never misses to seize an opportunity, and that’s the specialty he possesses. Notwithstanding such modest beginnings, Denis has made it to a level where people think of him as a man of many achievements. He continues to inspire new and budding entrepreneurs, which is again about loving work and enjoying it.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Les grandes réalisations de Denis Vincent

Le monde des affaires a produit de nombreux géants au Canada, et pour tout entrepreneur, connaître ces histoires de réussite peut être un important. Parmi quelques-uns des noms les plus réputés est celle de Denis Vincent. Denis est non seulement un entrepreneur, mais il a été quelqu'un qui a inspiré de nombreuses personnes au Québec, en Alberta et au-delà du Canada. Ce qui rend son travail différent et spécial par rapport à d'autres professionnels dans l'industrie? Probablement, son ardeur à travailler dur et se mettre en place avec une passion pour les industries dans lequel il transige est quelque chose qui le rend différent des autres.

Peu de gens se seraient attendus que Denis aurait pu atteindre la position où il est aujourd'hui. En 1983, il a débuté en tant qu'administrateur au P.R.C.S l'isolation en construction, où il a travaillé pendant un an. Plus tard, il a déménagé à Moto Bateau, où il a travaillé dans les ventes pour plus de quatre ans, pendant qu’il façonnait son rêve de devenir un entrepreneur pour l'avenir. Avec ce genre de contexte, personne ne s'attendait sans doute qu’il atteindre le niveau qu'il a aujourd'hui car que ces chemins étaient inexploré et certainement risqué.

Monday, 17 August 2015

Denis Vincent And His Story Remains Unparalleled

What can be expected of a man who started his career as a sales person? Most of us could probably foresee him reaching one day a managerial level depending on the acquired skill set. What about starting his own company and within 10 years owning more than one and all quite prosperous? We are talking about Denis Vincent, a recognized name, not just in aviation, but in many industries across Canada. Denis is known for his passion and dedication. He is a paradigm of having succeeded regardless of the life stage hurdles presented along the way.

Denis is also known for having founded Heli Vincent inc. and for the longest time, he has been a trained airplane and helicopter pilot. Not many people know, but Denis is also the chief financial officer of Strong Arm Labour & Contracting and has been instrumental in real estate, as well, since 2000. His work is a clear example of what people can achieve in their lives with the right determination. Regardless of his renown achievement he is always striving to do better. If you are looking for inspiration, this is one man to read up on.

Friday, 14 August 2015

Denis Vincent - Calgary, Alberta

Not many people know, but Denis is also an ardent flyer. He loves the aviation industry more than anything else and has been a Helicopter & airplane pilot since 1996. As of 2014, he had accumulated over 9300 TT and flown coast to coast in Canada. In his free time, Denis likes to share his stories through his blog and is very close to limited friends, with whom he takes on some of his incredible journeys.Denis is not merely in aviation alone. He has been working as the chief financial officer for Strong Arm Labour & Contracting for more than 4 years now, and his name is equally famed in real estate. In fact, when people look for Denis Vincent Canada, they know they are looking up to a man, who has been the phenomenal force behind many acquisition and mergers. He likes to keep a subtle profile, but his peers and competitors always know the kind of man he is, and for that, kudos to him. 

For anyone who has been aspiring for fame in business, he is one man who continues to set many milestones and inspire others. While he is based out of Quebec, he has also worked for many other companies outside the city, and has operations in Alberta among other cities of the country. He also likes to spend time reading, which is a passion for him, while creating new achievements in many fields.

Thursday, 13 August 2015

From ‘rags to riches’ of Denis Vincent

Denis Vincent is one man that many know in Canada for his success stories. Surely there are many ‘rags to riches’ stories around the world, but Denis and his passion for work probably remains unparalleled in Canada. Denis started off as a sales person and worked extensively for 10 years, before he was trained as an airplane and helicopter pilot in 1996. He then kicked-off the company - Heli Vincent inc, which is specialized in airplane and helicopter sales as well as dry leasing. Today, people know him as Denis Vincent Helicopter Pilot and as an individual involved in more than one business.

Denis works extensively in real estate and labor leasing, and his passion for real estate has lead to many mergers and acquisitions. In fact, he continues to inspire people to do better, which is why his team works in all industries with the same passion. For people who are starting out in any of these industries, Denis is a true inspiration, and with the kind of work he has planned for years ahead, it only seems that there will be more good stories worth hearing about him in years to come.