Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Voici une fiche rapide d'information sur Denis Vincent de Québec

Denis Vincent est l'un des entrepreneurs les plus connus du Canada. Il a été impliqué dans de nombreuses industries et est extrêmement expérimenté dans le monde des ventes. Si vous avez suivi la communauté des gens d'affaires du Québec, vous le connaissez probablement. Voici quelques faits pour ceux et celles qui ne le connaissent pas.

1. Denis a travaillé dans les ventes pendant longtemps, avant de se lancer dans l'aviation. En fait, il a travaillé avec Moto Bateau pendant près de cinq ans, ensuite avec une société privée pour la vente d'automobiles, y compris avec les exportations mondiales, en particulier l'Asie et la Russie.

2. Denis Vincent Québec est un pilote certifié d'hélicoptère et d’avion, et peu de gens le savent. Le vol reste sa passion ultime à ce jour, et il a accumulé plus de 10275TT à ce jour. Il a accompli un vol mono moteur Québec à Madagascar.

3. Il est également connu pour son expérience dans l'immobilier. Il a été le principal nom derrière de nombreuses fusions et acquisitions significatives. Malgré certains problèmes ayant secoué l'industrie, il n'a trouvé que plus de goût et de succès à chaque étape.

Pas étonnant, Denis est souvent invité à parler des attributs d'être un entrepreneur prospère.  

Why Denis Vincent Remains a Man Defining Real Success!

Only a few stories qualify to be called a success. If you are a business enthusiast or have an entrepreneurial bend of mind, there are some amazing and inspiring stories that must be known. In case you are in Quebec and Canada, one name that mat pop up for the right reasons is that of Denis Vincent. As one of the leading businessmen in Quebec today, Denis has come a long way since he started. In this post, we will talk of some of the real aspects of this man, his passions and the things that truly make him a special man. 

A smaller start

 When Denis started off, he worked as a sales executive with Moto Bateau for good five years. In these initial years of hard word, he found immense passion for business and the job allowed him to peep deep in the customer-business relationship. He continued to work in sales for next 10 years, and during this time, he was immensely pleased by the opportunities that lied ahead of him. On being asked in an interview about his experience of working with others, he had said, ‘I am a man of many experienced, and each one has made me what I am today”. 

Love for aviation

Denis always had his on the flying sector, and to this date, he admits that he still wants to do more for the industry. In 1997, he started off Heli Vincent Inc in Alberta, Canada, which remains a reputable name in sales and dry leasing of helicopter and airplanes. The company remains close to his heart, and Denis admits that there were many other options, but he chose this industry out of passion. He also added in a talk that aviation has given him the passion to move ahead in other directions.

Not many people know that Denis is also a helicopter & airplane pilot, and he has been flying since 1996. As of 2014, he has accumulated over 9300 TT, which is kind of feat in itself. In fact, apart from flying in most parts of Canada and has also taken 2 transatlantic flights and even one mono motor flight Quebec to Madagascar. 

Entry in real estate

Denis also found his passion for the real estate industry in 2000, and it was then he started working on development projects, and he continued in it for a long time. In fact, his name has been associated with some of the biggest mergers and acquisitions of many companies. In this industry, he was also mowed with questions regarding some projects, and he summed it up in one line –“Controversies keep me strong. After all, things are often tough, and that’s when we need to rise”. 

Apart from real estate, Denis also works as the Chief Financial Officer for Strong Arm Labour & Contracting and has been with the company for close to five years offering his insights and views. With so much on offer, no wonder Denis is looking for the sky next!

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Quelques faits sur Denis Vincent De Québec

Si vous êtes familier avec le monde des affaires du Canada, vous devez avoir entendu parler de Denis Vincent Québec. Connu pour son implication étendue et travail assidue à travers nombreuses industries, Denis a débuté au pied de l’échelle et a monter les échelons un a la fois. En parallèle, sa passion pour l'aviation et le vol l'a stimulé a poursuivre son rêves vers ce secteur. Lorsque qu’il est devenu pilote, il rêvait de voler d’un océan à l'autre au Canada. Son rêve est vite devenu réalité qu’il reproduit régulièrement. Sur le plan professionnel, il a démarré Heli Vincent inc, qui est spécialisée dans la location et ventes d’avions et d’hélicoptères.    
Dans une récente entrevue, nous avons demandé à Denis quel était ses plans futurs, et il n'a pas tardé à répondre qu'il ne sait pas sa prochaine aventure. Après avoir travaillé dans l'immobilier depuis plus de quinze ans, il travaille maintenant en tant que ‘’Chief Financial Officer’’ de Strong Arm Labour & Contracting. Il a également ajouté que ses objectifs professionnels ont été atteints. À ce stade, il veut se développer dans d'autres domaines et industries.    
Bravo pour prendre le saut et inspirer les autres.    

Monday, 28 November 2016

Facts about Denis Vincent

Denis Vincent is known in Quebec and Canada as a businessman with a diversified portfolio. He has worked extensively in more than three industries, and yet, some people just know him as Denis Vincent Helicopter pilot. Denis has an immense passion for the world of aviation, which forced him to reflect at the way he was handling his career in the early 90s. He soon trained to become a pilot himself, and today, he has more than 9300 TT to his credit as of 2014. In fact, he has flown from coast to coast in Canada, with one mono motor flight from Quebec to Madagascar.    
Denis is also the owner of Heli Vincent, which is a known company that specializes with sales and dry leasing of airplanes and helicopters. In the last few years, Denis has been working on new plans for the aviation sector, and when you ask him more and he says that there will be formal announcements made soon. He insists that his passion for the aviation industry has brought him where he is today in his career.   

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Denis Vincent De Canada a Changé l'industrie de l'aviation

L’Aviation a longtemps été considérée comme une industrie pour les personnes riches, avec des investisseurs venant de milieu bourgeois.  Au Canada, il y a un homme qui a changé ce concept de par ses propres moyens. Denis Vincent, a commencé comme un employée dans les vente, il a ensuite démarré sa propre entreprise- Heli Vincent, qui se spécialise dans la location et les ventes d'avions et d'hélicoptères depuis 1997. En fait, le succès a commencé quand Denis a trouvé passion pour le vol et est devenu un pilote certifié. Heli Vincent est sa tentative d'apporter sa touche personnelle au secteur de l'aviation.

Denis continue d'être actif dans de nombreux domaines. Les projets immobiliers lui ont toujours inspiré, mais l'aviation est l'endroit où se trouve son cœur. Dans son temps libre, il aime partir en hélicoptère à la découverte et partager ses voyages sur son blog personnel. En fait, en dehors des circuits de vol locales, il dispose de 2 vols transatlantiques et un vol à moteur mono. Denis est impliqué dans de nombreuses entreprises, et il a de nombreux projets dans le pipeline, pour lesquels des annonces seront faites bientôt. Pour quelqu'un qui a connu des débuts assez simple, une grande partie de la réussite semble irréel, mais la passion pour son travail l’anime. Ce qui fait de  lui un homme fort estimé. Malgré plusieurs dossiers à gérer, Denis s’assure toujours de donner le 150% de lui même ce qui lui fait une réputation hors pairs.

Known Canadian Businessman - Denis Vincent

Denis Vincent is best known in the Canadian business circles as a shark. He has ventured and worked in a number of industries and is considered as an entrepreneur with difference. Denis did not have the means or resources to try the big things right at the start of his career. He started off in sales, and honestly worked there for good few years before actually discovering his passion for aviation. In fact, he was quite excited to start off his company – Heli Vincent, which now deals with the dry leasing and sales of airplanes and helicopters. Denis also started getting trained as a pilot, and as of now, he has flown coast to coast in Canada and beyond.

Apart from aviation, Denis also works as the chief financial officer at Strong Arm Labour & Contracting. He has been working with the company for over four years. He further disclosed that he wishes to develop even more in the real estate industry. What makes his story a true success is the fact there is a lot of faith in his approach. He admitted that he never gets distracted by daily challenges, and his sense of business always sparkles even during the toughest times. When questioned about his future plans, he added that the idea is to explore and find new avenues, and for that, he will do what it takes. On a serious note, he added that his company will make new announcements when the time is right.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Connaître denis vincent du canada

Denis Vincent est mieux connu dans les milieux d'affaires canadiens comme un audacieux. Il a utilisé des moyens non conventionnels a travers un certain nombre d'industries et est considéré comme un entrepreneur ingénieux. Denis n'a pas eu les moyens n’y les ressources pour l’appuyer dans ces démarches de sa carrière. Il a commencé dans les ventes, et honnêtement travaillé pendant quelques bonnes années avant de découvrir réellement sa passion pour l'aviation. En fait, il était très excité de démarrer son entreprise - Heli Vincent, qui porte maintenant à la location et ventes d'avions et d'hélicoptères. Denis a également commencé à se former, en tant que pilote, et depuis, il a volé d’un océan à l'autre au Canada et au-delà.

Denis a toujours voulu quelque chose de plus pour lui-même que de l'argent. Dans une entrevue récente, il a dit qu'il voulait réaliser ses rêves, et il cherche toujours à aller au-delà de l'ordinaire. Il a également ajouté qu'il a de grands espoirs pour le Québec et le Canada et souhaite contribuer aux secteurs et industries d'une manière plus importante. Pas étonnant, il est une grande référence pour ses pairs et collègues. Bientôt, il s’aventura dans le monde de l'immobilier, et depuis lors, il n'a pas cessé d'explorer de nouveaux chemins. Son nom a été associé dans un certain nombre de controverses, mais il assure que rien ne le dérange vraiment. Il a également été très vocal sur la façon dont il veut créer de nouveaux emplois et souhaite de illuminer le futurs des jeunes, ajoutant qu'il souhaite offrir des conseils et des choix qu'il n'a jamais eu.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Inspiring stories from Denis Vincent

If you are someone who follows business news in Canada, you may have heard of Denis Vincent. We all know of people or at least have heard names of those who have made it big in their respective world from almost nothing at everything. Honestly, these are stories that can actually inspire others to do better, and if you love such stories, Denis is one man who might have an awe-inspiring personal saga to share. So, let’s start with this man, his thirst for success and his amazing ability to give share and respect. In this post, it’s all about him, and we will try to find what makes him really special.

Denis didn’t let his success get to his head, and over the years, he remained calm and focused, trying to discover other passions that challenged him. In 2000, he started interacting with the world of real estate, where he immediately found success and is credited for numerous acquisitions and mergers. Ask him on what interests him in real estate, and he is quick to answer – THE potential. He has mentioned it many times that real estate has the potential to make Quebec, and in fact Canada, really popular, and he wanted to give the right push to make things happen. Over the last decade, Denis has been associated with a number of transactions, and despite so many people trying to bog him down, he has never actually missed a beat and nothing could stop him.

Today, Denis Vincent is a man who many know to be immensely talented and well balanced, because he can manage and do so many things on his own. Denis Vincent is also very popular amidst other industries, and again, there are not many people who know that he is the chief financial officer for Strong Arm Labour & Contracting. No wonder his initial experience in the world of sales has pushed him in doing better things, and as he always says- there should be nothing that should stop you! If you have been willing to do something, Denis is a man who will tell you to not let anything stop you from going where you want to go. Get started with your journey, just like he did!

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Denis vincent Helicopter Pilot in Calgary, AB

Entrepreneurs are best known for making profits. They know the art of spinning more money, and they have the perspicacity to get generate more. That’s true for Denis Vincent, as well, who is also one of the biggest entrepreneurs from Canada. Despite his success in many industries, people often know him as one of the most passionate businessmen for aviation. In fact, he is often called Denis Vincent helicopter pilot, simply because he loves flying. To the world, Denis is the name behind Heli Vincent, which is one of the famed names in Quebec for dry leasing and sales of airplanes and helicopters, but not many know that him as a pilot himself. 

Essentially, he has been flying coast to coast in Canada since 1996, and he has accumulated over 9300 TT in his journey. Denis also has 2 transatlantic flights and 1 mono motor flight Quebec to Madagascar to his credit. When he is not working in real estate, he is often planning trips around the country, with his friends and people close to him. In fact, in his limited interviews, he has added time and again that he desires to fly even more, and that’s the only luxury he spends on.

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Denis Vincent Helico in Detail

People also know him as the president of Heli Vincent inc. Denis loves his work related to flying, and founded the company, which now deals with sales and leasing of airplane s. In fact, he has been into dry sales and leasing of airplanes and helicopters. Denis Vincent Helico knows that his team relies on his views, and  has taken extreme pleasure in many things, including real estate. He has been involved in real estate since 2000, and his name has been associated in many deals. Upon asking him about his business, he is quick to point that ‘nothing can replace hard work’, and there is no shortcut to success. Of course, one cannot agree more.  

Denis continues to inspire many, and he has been phenomenal in most of his works. He is also the chief financing officer in Strong Arm Labour & Contracting, and his amazing contribution to the real estate remains in news for right and wrong reasons. When asked about his views on the varied wrong things written about him, he smirks and says, “Life isn’t always about the ups, but the downs count, as well”. He also adds that he wants to continue to work for many years to create new milestones in all industries, letting things die down and fall back into place by themselves.

Denis Vincent Canada Changed The Aviation Industry

Aviation was long considered to be a business for wealthy individuals, with the biggest investors coming from even bigger backgrounds. In Canada, there is one man who changed that concept in his own ways. Denis, started off as a sales worker and worked for others, then launched his own company- Heli Vincent, which specializes in dry leasing and sales of airplanes and helicopters since 1997. In fact, the success story started when Denis found passion for flying and became a certified pilot. Heli Vincent is his attempt to bring his personal touch to the aviation sector.

Denis strongly believes that Canada has the potential to grow in the aviation sector, and his company, which is based out of Quebec, wants to take that vision further. In a recent interview, he mentioned that he wants to do more than what has already been done, and some new planning has already been in process. What is commendable is the fact that Denis has many other opportunities with such a diversified profile, yet chooses to work in a sector that’s not merely competitive but often very aggressive. Kudos to the determination and desire to reinvent!

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Denis Vincent - L’homme derrière les coulisses

Denis Vincent est un aimant d'affaires bien connu au Québec, Canada, et est connu pour son profil très diversifié. Denis, qui a commencé à travailler dans les ventes pour une entreprise, a réalisé très tôt dans sa carrière que son amour pour l’entreprenariat était réel. Il a rapidement commencé à travailler sur sa propre entreprise, et en moins de 10 ans, les gens ont commencé à le connaître comme Denis Vincent Québec Helico. Oui, Heli-Vincent est la société qu'il a fondée en 1997, qui se spécialise actuellement dans la location et la vente d’avions et d’hélicoptères.

Denis n'a pas arrêté juste là, il a également plongé dans l'industrie de l'immobilier en 2000, et depuis lors, il a été crédité d'un certain nombre de fusions et acquisitions. Denis sait que l'immobilier est une grande industrie, et le Québec lui-même a beaucoup de potentiel. Peu de gens savent qu'il agit aussi à titre de directeur financier de Strong Arm Labour & Contracting et est parmi les noms les plus respectés dans le domaine. Avec ce genre de succès, Denis choisit toujours de rester dans les coulisses car il croit en l'humilité.

Monday, 14 November 2016

Here’s What You Should Know about Denis Vincent from Canada

Canadian businessman Denis Vincent has been long known for his amazing contribution in many industries. He is the president of Heli Vincent, which was founded in 1997, and he has been a driving force behind many real estate deals, acquisitions and mergers. When people talk of Denis Vincent Canada, they mostly talk about the things he has achieved, but in his candid interviews, he often reveals his journey. He has said time and again that his interests aren’t just profits, but he wants to help the industry increase jobs and help others, so that Canada can grow in all segments.      

He is also a trained pilot himself, and it has become his deepest passion. He adds that he spends his days working on projects, often taking a day off around the coast. On being asked about his future plans, he promises many significant developments, assuring that his team will make announcements soon. Denis remains among the foremost philanthropist in his area, and he has worked with many charitable institutions. Success shouldn’t be taken for granted, and Denis proves that in his own ways. Surely his work features his many achievements, but he prefers to maintain a low profile.     

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Lisez maintenant - L'entrepreneur canadien Denis Vincent vit son rêve d'aviation

Beaucoup de gens au Canada et aux États-Unis connaissent Denis Vincent comme un entrepreneur et quelqu'un qui sait comment faire de l'argent. Cependant, Denis est beaucoup plus que cela, et son parcours continue à inspirer plusieurs. Denis a travaillé avec de nombreuses industries, y compris l'immobilier et l'exploitation minière, mais ce qui lui tient à coeur est l'aviation. Dès son plus jeune âge, il était intrigué par l'idée de voler. Après avoir travaillé dans les ventes pendant de nombreuses années, il a commencé à être former en tant que pilote, et depuis, c’est resté la seule passion où il se soucie moins de la dépense.

En plus d'être un pilote formé, il est aussi le président d'Heli Vincent. Basée au Québec, Heli Vincent est spécialisée dans la location à et la vente d'avions. Denis a veillé à ce que l'entreprise contribue à l'industrie avec les meilleures pratiques et l'éthique. Aujourd'hui, Denis Vincent est connu pour sa passion pour le vol, puis aucune de ces réalisations incroyables n’aurait pu être possible sans son dévouement et sa persistance. Il a admis que ce n'est jamais assez d'avoir un rêve à moins que l'on soit prêt à surmonter les obstacles qui se présentent sur notre chemin.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Check the Amazing Story of Canadian Entrepreneur Denis Vincent

Stories of successful people are always endearing. Some people are simply not afraid of hard work, and they will do anything to achieve their goals and objectives. There are also others, who often don’t have the resources but they don’t let circumstances dictate their life. One such man is Denis Vincent. Based in Quebec, Canada; Denis is best known as the president of Heli Vincent – a company that is specialized in dry leasing and sales of airplanes and helicopters. As an entrepreneur and philanthropist, he has worked on many different projects. However, his journey is what makes him truly different and extraordinary. In this post, we will try to uncover more about the man.

Humble beginnings

Denis Vincent started off his career as an administrator in P.R.C.S. construction insulation, and he worked in the company for a year before moving to sales. He then worked with Moto Bateau and other companies for a while, helping them structure their sales strategies and marketing campaigns. However, he has mentioned it repeatedly that he always wanted to be his won businessman. He was immensely interested in aviation since young age, and launching his own business has been a childhood dream. When being asked about his career, he has often agreed that his humble beginnings have kept him grounded and happy.

Implementing his dreams

Denis’ passion for aviation wasn’t just limited to starting his own company. While he worked hard for creating and establishing Heli Vincent Inc as a leader in the market, he also took an active interest in flying. His peers and contemporaries often referred to him as the ‘flying entrepreneur’, because he is a trained helicopter & airplane pilot since 1996 and has accumulated over 10,275 TT as of this date. In fact, flying remains his only passion, and he only spends on that hobby. He has traveled coast to coast in all parts of Canada and has steered two transatlantic flights and mono motor flight from Quebec to Madagascar.

Real estate dreams

Denis worked various sectors, before he found a passion for the real estate world. He often refers to the potential of real estate growth in Canada, adding that he wants to work more on this front. He started in this industry in 2000 and has been a driving force behind many mergers and acquisitions. On being asked about the negative press about him, he just says, “I work to drive profits and want to contribute to the growth of the industry. Nothing else matters”.

Denis today remains one of the biggest businessmen in Canada, and still, he remains low profile. He admits that he doesn’t like the limelight on him, but the press often scrutinizes his activities and efforts in both positive and negative ways. He is also involved actively in charity work and has worked with many organizations in the past. He believes in the huge explosion of the job sector, helping the youth.